Thursday, November 21, 2013

21 November 2013: Survivor, Rogers Park Edition

East Rogers Park continues to be an obstacle course with many of the streets torn up and sidewalks closed because of all the construction work that is going on. Today's adventure took me to the bucolically named Greenview Ave., which at this point might more appropriately be named Trench Warfare Blvd. Between Morse and Jarvis, i had to:
  • cross the street twice because of closed sidewalks, 
  • avoid paving equipment and step in fresh macadam in order to cross Sherwin, 
  • dodge a few Bobcats of the mechanical rather than wildlife variety. 

I'm a big fan of progress and infrastructure improvement, but at this point i just wish they would finish so the neighborhood could go back to being as walkable as it used to be.

Meanwhile, around the corner on Greenleaf Ave., workers laying the new gas lines blew dirt out of a hole and apparently discovered the underground spring that is the source of the world's pea soup.

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