Saturday, December 1, 2012

1 December 2012, Day 179

Filled with the best intentions, i headed to my favorite grocery store, Morse Fresh Market, to buy some fruit this morning. As usual, i ended up buying a whole lot of other stuff while i was there, but up until the last corner of the last aisle, my dietary virtue was intact. I had granola, yogurt, and humus in my cart, along with clementines, blackberries, bananas, and a pomegranate. For once, i had even managed to ignore the enticing aroma of fresh carnitas and was feeling mighty proud of myself. Then i saw a handwritten sign advertising Ben & Jerry's for $2.99 a pint. You probably know how this story ends, but in case you don't, here's a hint: i don't think i'll be losing any weight this week.

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