Friday, April 5, 2013

4 April 2013, Day 303

Window display at American Girl Place on Michigan Ave., the home of some mysterious cult of little girls. They travel here from untold distances, dressed in their best and clutching even better-dressed dolls. 

PS. Alas, i think this may be the first time that i haven't posted on time, and by on time i mean before the calendar turned at some point on the globe. But checking the clock on my computer, i've discovered that it's already Friday in Pago Pago, so i am undeniably late with Thursday's post. Forgive me! The picture was indeed taken on Thursday, but i came home last night with a belly full of beef from dinner at Ditka's and immediately set about the task of digesting it while watching an episode of Game of Thrones. The next thing i knew, it was Friday morning. I'll try not to let it happen again.

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