Saturday, June 7, 2014

7 June 2014: Happy Birthday, Little Blog!

We are celebrating our second birthday here at command central of Ms. Demeanor's Photo du Jour. For a person who is not exactly noted for her stick-to-itiveness, this is a pretty big milestone for me. Although i no longer feel compelled to post every single day, as i did for the first year, i'm still posting pretty consistently. This has occasionally been a challenge because sometimes there just doesn't seem to be anything new or interesting to photograph. But thanks to the witty folks at the Bullhead Cantina, that problem appears to be solved. From now on, if i'm stuck for a photo du jour i am just going to stroll on over to Morse and Glenwood and take a picture of whatever clever thing they've posted on the sandwich board out front. Here is today's offering:

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