Sunday, October 7, 2012

7 October 2012, Day 124

The weather turns suddenly and drastically colder, and i am overcome by a craving for creature comforts. I could gladly spend 20 hours a day huddled under a down comforter, watching movies, reading, and eating the sorts of things that i have no interest in during the warmer months. I went to the farmers market this morning and bought meat, huge quantities of meat. I had sausage for breakfast (something i haven't even thought of for years); i'll make a pot roast later this week. There'll be no more ice cream for a while; instead, i'll curl up in the evening with a nice cup of hot chocolate made with Nestlé's Abuelita. Oh, Abuelita, you are to Hershey's chocolate syrup as Celia Cruz is to Celine Dion!

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