Sunday, September 2, 2012

2 September 2012, Day 89

I was reminded today of how terribly limited my skills as a photographer are. I went to the wedding of the daughter of two of my dearest friends, a young woman whom i've known since she was a baby. I took my camera, which has been kind of tempermental lately, and managed to get only two fairly decent pictures. Then i ruined one of them when i tried to remove the red eye and ended up removing the subject's eyes entirely. I wouldn't have posted the wedding pictures on this blog anyway since i don't like to post personal pictures here, but i would at least have liked to have them. Sadly, this picture of sightseeing boats on the Chicago River was the best picture i got all day. It's not a bad picture, but i can't love it because of all those other pictures i didn't get. 

PS. It was a beautiful wedding.

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